Industrial & Logistics (2)

Mar, 2021

Growing Occupier Demand for European Logistics Space

A new survey from CBRE shows that Covid-19 remains an important consideration for occupiers and will continue to drive demand for space in Europe.
Feb, 2021

Curious about what matters most right now in Commercial Real Estate?

Each week, Spencer Levy, CBRE’s Chairman of Americas Research, hosts The Weekly Take. In this podcast series, business leaders join economic, subject matter and industry experts to share their distinct views and latest thinking.
Jan, 2021

The 5 most read articles of 2020 at the Nordics Real Estate Blog

Before closing 2020 we present the 5 most read articles and most popular reports of 2020, at the Nordics Real Estate Blog.
Dec, 2020

Christmas greetings 2020 from the Nordic MD's

CBREs Nordic Managing Directors sums up 2020 and wishes you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Nov, 2020

The e-commerce effect on logistics’ real estate

CBRE's Logistics experts share the Nordics ViewPoint Logistics 2020 and comment on it in this article.
Oct, 2020

Opportunity Set for Distressed Debt Investors is Expanding

CBREs experts Christian Bro Jansen and Dragana Martina share their insights on As always in times of crisis, some will lose while others will profit. The COVID-19 outbreak has turned the tables, and major fund players are watching the market closely. For many of them, distressed debt is certainly an increasingly attractive area

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