Industrial & Logistics (3)

Oct, 2020

Opportunity Set for Distressed Debt Investors is Expanding

CBREs experts Christian Bro Jansen and Dragana Martina share their insights on As always in times of crisis, some will lose while others will profit. The COVID-19 outbreak has turned the tables, and major fund players are watching the market closely. For many of them, distressed debt is certainly an increasingly attractive area
Aug, 2020

The rise of self-storage in the Nordics

CBREs experts Christian Bro Jansen and Katja Haizmann share their insights on the rise of self-storage in the Nordics.
Jun, 2020

The Future of Nordic logistics beyond the Covid-19

Being the catalyst for growth and development, logistics is one of the tools that play an important role in the change and improvement of economic indicators.
Apr, 2020

A sneak peek into the Finnish industrial and logistics market

Jussi Niemistö is CBREs Research expert based in Finland. He gives you a sneak peek into the Finnish industrial and logistics market.

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